Undergraduate Course Descriptions:

CRIM 100: INDIVIDUALS, SOCIETIES, AND JUSTICE (3 credits). Explores deviance, crime, law, justice, and civic life from historical, comparative, social science, and contemporary cultural perspectives. This is a general education course which will introduce students to the broad foundations of interdisciplinary knowledge illustrating the importance, function, and effects of law and justice through complementary social science disciplines. [GE89: B3; GE2000: Social and Behavioral Studies-Foundational Course]

CRIM 150: INTRODUCTION TO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM (3 credits).  A study of the agencies and processes involved in the criminal justice system:  the courts, the police, the prosecutor, the public defender, and corrections. [GE89:B3; GE2000: Social and Behavioral Studies-Elective]

CRIM 200: INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits).  A consideration of criminality, its nature and extent, particularly in the United States; and an analysis of the etiology of criminal behavior, criminal law, and societal reactions to criminals. [GE89: B2,E1; GE2000: Social and Behavioral Studies-Elective]

CRIM 201: INSTITUTIONAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND COMMERCIAL SECURITY (3 credits).  Emphasizes prevention of security problems and the promotion and observance of effective security measures to protect lives, property, and proprietary information.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 202: RETAIL SECURITY (3 credits).  Emphasizes the identification and development of physical security objectives, policies, procedures, and methods necessary to achieve efficient and effective retail security measures.  Prerequisites: CRIM 201. A - F Grading.

CRIM 210: INTRODUCTION TO CORRECTIONS (3 credits).  An introduction to the field of corrections and a survey of the philosophies and practices relevant to processing the convicted offender through the several methods developed to change the offender from a law-violating person to a law-conforming person.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 220: INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT (3 credits).  Philosophical and historical background of law enforcement at the federal, state, county, city, and village levels.  An introduction to contemporary police organizations and methods of operation.

CRIM 230: INTRODUCTION TO THE COURT SYSTEMS (3 credits). This course provides an examination of the American criminal court system. Topics covered will include interaction of the courts with other agencies in the criminal justice system, the organization of the court system, the various personnel and their roles in the court system, the progress of a criminal prosecution from charging to appeal, and the juvenile court system.

CRIM 280: LAW OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits).  A survey of American criminal law and procedure relative to the functioning of criminal justice agencies.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 298: PRACTICUM IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits).  Planned program of visitation of selected criminal justice agencies representing the major components of the system, along with classroom discussion, including guest speakers.

CRIM 303: CRIME PREVENTION (3 credits).  Provides an overview of types of crime prevention programs that can be implemented by police departments; retail, commercial, or individual firms; and community action groups and individual citizens.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 315: TECHNIQUES OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERVIEWING (3 credits).  An introduction to the strategies, techniques, tactics, and special problems of interviewing as they relate to one or more of the various criminal justice settings.  Prerequisites: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 316: CORRECTIONAL REPORTS AND RECORDS (3 credits).  A survey of the most frequently used forms of reports and records required by local, state, and federal agencies directly involved in the administration of corrections.  Special attention will be given to the technical skills necessary for completing such forms and reports.  Prerequisites: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 321: CASE STUDIES IN POLICE SERVICE (3 credits).  A study of the behavior of subjects and police officers under the stress situations of arrest, interrogation, incarceration, protest demonstrations, riots, and public catastrophes, using actual incidents taken from police log books, records, and accounts.  Prerequisite: 220 or consent of instructor.

CRIM 355: THE ECONOMICS OF CRIME (3 credits). This course surveys the intersection of two areas of human behavior: criminal and economic. Social science methodology and basic concepts from economics and criminology are reviewed. An economics framework is applied to analyze criminal behavior, the social response to crime and to evaluate the economic burden that crime imposes on a society. Lessons are applied to specific types of crime: property, white collar, illegal markets, and organized crime. (Cross listed as Economics 355.)

CRIM 375: VICTIMOLOGY (3 credits).  This course provides an in-depth study of the many facets of crime victimization.  Coverage will include the key social, economic, and demographic variables associated with crime victims as well as the differences in victimization rates in the United States and other countries.  Crime victim assistance programs, victim compensation, and victim participation in the criminal justice process will be covered.  Discussion will also include victim-oriented legislation and case law related to crime victims.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 385: INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINALISTICS (3 credits).  A study of the application of the physical, biological, medical, behavioral, and computer sciences to crime investigation and detection.  The use that is made of hairs, fibers, blood stains, paints, scrapings, weapons, polygraphs, voice prints, computers, photography, prints, and chemicals in the detection of crime will be considered.  Prerequisite: 200 or consent of instructor.

CRIM 396: INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits).  A survey of current research methods relating to all aspects of the criminal justice system.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 407: POLICE ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (3 credits).  Principles of organization and management in terms of line, staff, and auxiliary functions; specific concentration on (1) organization for police service, (2) administrative services, (3) operational services, and (4) auxiliary services.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 416: SYMPOSIUM ON CRIMINOLOGY (1-3 credits).  Consideration is given to a specific area of criminology.  Course is offered for credit or non-credit, and for in-service or pre-service students.  A different topic is selected for each symposium.  Repeatable: Five times for a maximum of 15 credits if topic is different. Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 420: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE I (3 credits).  An analysis of the history and development of the criminal law as a system of social control; the scope, purpose, and general principles of criminal law; and the essential characteristics of various crimes.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 421: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE II (3 credits).  The study of law, rules, and procedures that govern the administration of criminal justice and the application of the Constitution to criminal investigation and trials. Topics covered include laws of arrest, search and seizure, interrogation, right to conceal, right to trial, and double jeopardy. Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 423: JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3 credits).  Definitions and interpretations of theories of causation and prevention; organization and functions of community agencies and institutions, including police, courts, and probation.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 427: DYNAMICS OF CRIMINAL AND DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR (3 credits).  The theoretical study of crime causation and prevention, crime topologies, and their practical application to the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

CRIM 430: CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS (3 credits).  The correctional institution in the United States as it exists today in terms of its development, objectives, and standards; includes jails, detention homes, reformatories, furlough-detention camps, open and closed institutions.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 431: COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS (3 credits).  This course covers the variety of alternatives to incarceration which collectively are known as community-based corrections, including diversion, pretrial release, fines, home confinement, restitution, community service, half-way houses, probation, and parole.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 432: THE LAW ON EVIDENCE (3 credits).  Analysis of the rules of evidence, their functional relationship to the culture in which they operate, and their effect on law enforcement, criminal prosecution, and the correctional processes.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A - F Grading.

CRIM 435: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (3 credits).  Organization and functions of investigative agencies, basic considerations in the investigation of crime, collection and preservation of physical evidence, elements of legal proof in the submission of evidence, investigation of specific types of offenses.  Note: Open to graduate students. Graduate students are required to do additional work of a research nature.  A - F Grading.

CRIM 440: ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits). A study of ethics, crime, and the criminal justice system. This course explores a variety of theoretical perspectives relative to the study of ethical behavior and then applies this discussion to the practice of law enforcement and corrections.

CRIM 497: INDIVIDUAL DIRECTED STUDY (1-3 credits).  An individual study of a particular area or problem in criminology as decided upon by the student and the instructor.  An outline of the proposed study must be submitted to the instructor for approval prior to enrollment in the course.  Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

CRIM 498: INTERNSHIP IN CRIMINOLOGY (3-6 credits).  Placement in any one of several settings, such as law enforcement, courts, or correctional institutions, in accordance with the interests of the student and recommendation of the faculty.  Prerequisite:  senior standing or consent of instructor.

CRIM 499: DANGER AND DISORDER: CRITICAL ISSUES IN CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits). This course examines crime, justice, and civic life from historical, comparative, social science, and contemporary cultural perspectives. Topics include law and society, violence in America, criminal subcultures, drug policy, essential issues in criminal justice, mass media and crime, and citizen involvement in criminal justice.  Prerequisites: 78 credits minimum.

Graduate Course Descriptions: 

CRIM 507: POLICE ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (3 credits). Principles of organization and management in terms of line, staff, and auxiliary functions; specific concentration on organization of police services, administrative services, operational services, and auxiliary services. perquisites: 200 and 320 ( which may be taken concurrently), or consent of the instructor.

CRIM 516: SYMPOSIUM OF CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits). Consideration is given to a specific area of criminology. Course is offered for credit or noncredit, and for in-service or preservice students. A different topic is selected for each symposium. A student may earn a maximum of 6 hours of credit by enrolling in different sessions. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 520: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE I (3 credits). An analysis of history and development of criminal law as a system of social control, the scope, purpose, and general principles of criminal law; and the essential haracteristics of various crimes. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 521: CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE II (3credits). A continuation of 520. prerequisites: 6 hours of criminology; 520 or consent of instructor.

CRIM 523: JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3 credits). Definitions and interpretations of theories of causation and prevention; organization and functions of community agencies and institutions, including police, courts, and probation. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 530: CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS (3 credits). The correctional institution in the United states as it exists today in terms of its development, objectives, and standards, includes jails, detention homes, reformatories, furlough-detention camps, open and closed institutions.  prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor.

CRIM 531: COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS (3 credits). This course covers the variety of alternatives to incarceration which collectively are known as community-based corrections, including diversion, pretrial release, fines, homes, confinement, restitution, community service, half-way houses, probation and parole. prerequisite: 6 hours of criminology or consent of instructor. 

CRIM 532: THE LAW ON EVIDENCE (3 credits). analysis of the rules of evidence; their functional relationship to the culture in which they operate, and their effect on law enforcement, criminal prosecution, and the correctional processes. prerequisites: 520, 521, or consent of instructor.

CRIM 535: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (3 credits). Organization and functions of investigative agencies, basic considerations in the investigation of crime, collection and preservation of physical evidence, elements of legal proof in the submission of evidence, investigation of specific types of offenses. prerequisites: 200 and 320, or consent of instructor.

CRIM 540: ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3 credits). A study of ethics, crime, and the criminal justice system. This course explores a variety of theoretical perspectives relative to the study of ethical behavior and then applies this discussion to the practice of law enforcement and corrections.

CRIM 601: SEMINAR: CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES (3 credits). The presentation and discussion of the various theories of crime and delinquency causation and the research which has been done to develop and test theories.

CRIM 602: CORRECTIONAL COUNSELING (3 credits). Case work and counseling as applicable in probation, parole, and institutions.

CRIM 603: SEMINAR: TREATMENT PRACTICES AND TECHNIQUES IN CORRECTIONS (3 credits). An advanced course in corrections designed to cover issues surrounding the provision of treatment of various groups in the correctional system. Primary focus is directed towards understanding how to lead groups, evaluate treatment related research, and dealing with special populations such as addicts, mental health offenders, and victims. 

CRIM 604: SEMINAR: POLICE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICES (3 credits). The organizational structure, administrative practices, and operating procedures of police departments; the purpose of each practice and the principle to be followed in achieving it.

CRIM 605: CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION ( 3 credits). an analysis and evaluation of the administrative organization of contemporary state and federal correctional systems. The organization of business, custodial, industrial, and treatment functions of correctional agencies.

CRIM 606: SEMINAR: RESEARCH IN CRIMINOLOGY (3 credits). An analysis of research in criminology, focusing an several aspects of the criminal justice system. Examination of research methods and problems for the researcher in conducting criminological research.

CRIM 607: SEMINAR: LAW AND SOCIETY (3 credits). A study of relationship between the law and the culture of the society in which it functions. An analysis is made of the law as a social institution, its possible origin, its development through various periods of history, and its present status in Western civilization. special emphasis is placed upon the problems of contemporary criminal law in the United states, the effects of recent social changes and conflicts on the criminal counts, the rights and responsibilities of those who come before them, and various proposals for changes in American criminal law.

CRIM 608: SEMINAR IN LAW AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION (3 credits). This seminar provides an in-depth study of the legal requirements and problems associated with the administration of criminal justice agencies, including enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, and corrections. Special emphasis is given to issues confronting managers in the areas of personnel administration, workplace safety and health, environmental compliance, civil rights, liability avoidance, and financial management. Recent developments in legislation and judicial decisions are studied.

CRIM 609: CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (3 credits). This seminar provides an overview of principles of organization and management including budgeting, planning, employee selection and training, and policy making. Students will broaden their knowledge of activities, and procedures involved in criminal justice agency management. Specific emphasis is placed on developing and enhancing the communication skills and critical thinking required of today's managers.

CRIM 621: ADVANCED CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (3 credits). An advanced treatment of criminal procedure issues relating to criminal prosecution. Legal topics explored include legal aspects of bail and pretrial detention, charging decisions, grand juries, plea-bargaining, criminal discovery, pretrial publicity, competency to stand trial, jury trial, and a defendant's rights of confrontation and to effective assistance of counsel.

CRIM 630: SEMINAR IN CORRECTIONS (3 credits). An advanced course in corrections designed to cover history, development, current practices, critical issues, and the future of corrections. Particular focus will be on the study of the various theoretical and practical approaches to corrections and the current research in the field designed assess these practices.

CRIM 635: ADVANCED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS (3 credits). This course will examine the role of investigation and evidence in criminal justice. Management techniques, analysis and critical thinking, and the role of science and technology are explored. Ethical issues and special topics and controversies in criminal investigation are presented.

CRIM 697: INDIVIDUAL DIRECTED STUDY (1-6 credits). An individual study of a particular area or problem in criminology and corrections as decided upon by the student and the instructor. An outline of the proposed study must be submitted to the instructor for approval prior to enrollment in the course. prerequisite: consent of instructor.

CRIM 698: INTERNSHIP IN CRIMINOLOGY (3-6 credits). Placement in one of several criminal justice  system settings, such as courts, corrections, law enforcement, or a research agency. prerequisite: 12 hours of criminology and consent of instructor. (students who have completed internships as undergraduates may substitute other courses for the internship.)

CRIM 699: MASTER'S THESIS (6 credits). Thesis on research in criminology.

School of Criminology and Security Studies


School of Criminology and Security Studies
Holmstedt Hall 210
620 Chestnut St
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812.237.2192
Fax: 812-237-2407
Google Map: Holmstedt Hall (HH)